Saturday, October 30, 2010

Joomla Plugins Installation Guide

We have just installed newest versions of joomla plug-ins and modules and made changes in PHP codes. Also we have activated it on the Joomla and configured its settings. After that we saw our website home page and we found that there is only a empty page displayed on front end, it appears white screen without any Joomla web designs. and we understand that, This may be because of a PHP code errors.

Why the screen shows blank page on your website?

The reason is why we have this white page is because might have PHP code errors and in this case we checked the Error Reporting Global Configuration setting is set to none in our website. and we Changed the status "Turn on Error Reporting" to relocate the error pages and code errors and the specific problems.
First we went to our website Global Configuration settings on the back end. We have selected the Server tab and the Error Reporting settings. Then we Change Error Reporting to Maximum and Saved the settings the Save button at the top right of the global configuration panel. This helps us to make print out all our PHP server errors, warnings and notices so from here we are able to check all errors in file name and lines the error is occur.

Now check with our website home page. At this time note down the file names, line number and type of error noticed then we checked the PHP output of any errors, notices or warnings. Now our joomla developers to fix that code by them-self or we need to contact support for the extension developer or uninstall the modules, components or plug-ins.

Disable Error Reporting Session for Security Reason

At this point we strongly suggest Disable the Error Reporting when this all errors have completed the issues. Error reporting function is very helpful when we are trying to solve some errors, but Error reporting should not be enabled in a production surroundings because:

It makes our website unattractive. If a PHP variable is not set properly, such in case our website visitors will see warnings and error codes. If the error is not completely resolved our website warnings and notices, this can break our website CSS validations and layouts. This will make our web site unprofessional and loss of unique visitors to our website. Your unique visitors will find warnings and errors, so we always recommend to disable the error reporting status for security purpose.

It provides our website for hackers. There are many ways to find out our website vulnerabilities. Hackers are always try to use hacker scripts to find exploits automatically and they will manually test our website vulnerabilities. Mostly hacking scripts are written in PERL language - if you were aware of this hacking check the website traffic logs. If you have Enabled Error Reporting then hackers can find out all information about the website like extensions you have installed, Joomla settings, PHP scripts, server settings and more. So make sure that your site has more security, Error Reporting settings should be disabled.

For Free consultation on regarding Joomla Development, Joomla Experts, Joomla Programmers, Joomla Designers log on to


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Joomla Extensions Directory Reaches Six Thousand Published!

The Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED) reached 6000 published listings this week.  We wanted to take a moment to share what that means and additionally give an overview of how the JED statistics compare with both Wordpress and Drupal.

Time for some quick facts:

Number of Extensions in JED
  • Joomla! is the only top CMS with a directory of extensions (add-ons) that functions without direct downloads hosted on site and instead provide the opportunity for developers to host their own.
  • The download button on extension listings has been clicked over 138,976,526 times - on currently listed extensions
  • Listing owner (developer) sites have been directly visited over 9,488,477 times on currently listed extensions  (direct click thrus, not including the "download button" click)
  • The JED has had over 14,489 submissions
  • For current listings, over 66,874 votes have been cast.
  • The current volunteer team consists of 8 volunteers who freely donate an average total of 615 volunteer hours each month
  • On average, the team processes over 100 Review Reports, 350 Listing Reports, 400 Extension Submissions, 2000 reviews and 1500 listing updates - each month
  • Over 69,000 indexed pages in Google for the JED.
With over 187, 631 registered users of the JED it is not suprising to see the rapid growth of the directory and the ecosystem surrounding it.  But then I hear you say..  "What's next?"

Upcoming new Editor's Picks - In a recent blog post the JED Team opened up nominations to the general community for Editor's Picks.  Now that the nomination form is closed and over 1100 nominations have been submitted the JED Editorial Team will be making it's selections and reviewing each extension chosen.
Upcoming Social Integrations - In a push to further tie the listings on the JED to "individual choice" the site will have more features regarding social sharing and media integrated into the listings.
Easier Terms of Service and Submission Process - As technology changes, so does the manual tasks that are necessary for daily business.  The JED is no exception.  Because of new advancements, the JED Terms of Service are currently in the process of being simplified.
More Categories - Extension Specific categories are growing daily and more are on the way!
Simplified Search - A simplified search is coming soon but the advanced search we all love and use will remain

For Free consultation on regarding Joomla Development, Joomla Experts, Joomla Programmers, Joomla Designers log on to


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Joomla 1.6 Beta 12 Now Available

The Joomla Project is proud to announce the immediate availability of Joomla 1.6 beta 12 (download). IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a beta version and is not intended to run any type of production site. It is intended to be used for evaluation purposes only.

Since the Joomla 1.6 beta 11 release on October 4, we have fixed approximately 52 issues in the tracker. We have closed an additional 27 tracker issues. This progress is directly related to the continued efforts of the Joomla! Bug Squad. Thanks for all your hard work in bringing us one increment closer to stable!

See the CHANGELOG for details of what has been changed in this release.

For Free consultation on regarding Joomla Development, Joomla Experts, Joomla Programmers, Joomla Designers log on to

What's next?
This is the 12thin our series of continuous beta releases. Beta 13 will be released on November 1, 2010.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Flex 3 and Flex Builder 3

The following are updater installers for Flexbuilder 3.0.2:
The following are updater installers for Flexbuilder 3.0.1:

Product updates are post-release software distributions that address issues or add functionality to a specific version of software.

Updates will not function as product upgrades and should not be downloaded for the purpose of upgrading your currently installed product. All updates check for a purchased, installed copy of the same version software, and require a valid serial number to install.

For Free consultation on regarding Flex Development, Flex Experts, Flex Programmers, Flex Designers log on to

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